Meeting Minutes for October 9, 2013

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors

Attendees:  Debbie Romero, Pres.; George Hawley, VP; Linda Seibert, Sec’y; Mary Dolan; Bob Griffin;  Lee Hastings; Jennifer Luner; JoAnn Moore; Helene Siegfried; Jay Shah; Peggy Wald

Absentees:  Jeff Kopolow, Treasurer

September minutes were approved for posting.

Corresponding Secretary’s report was accepted.

Treasurer’s Report, submitted electronically, was accepted for file.

August Regional & October Sectional:  Tournament Director Mike Carmen was unable to attend this meeting so sent the financial report from the August Regional by email.  Renaissance contract for Regional Tournaments in 2015 and 2016 have been signed.  Free wireless will be available in guest rooms.  $99 instead of $96 per room. D Romero sent a sheet around for board members to sign up for duties at the October Sectional.  P Wald presented the plaque for Jack Bryant.  Susie Moore has ordered the cake for him. The Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented a few minutes before 10 on Sunday. Jay Shah noted that a couple of new signs are being ordered; one sign changed.  List of items stored with bidding boxes and tables for B Griffin, D Romero.  Typically they’re all delivered. Date Book status:  at the printer. Caddy assignments:  all sessions for Sectional are covered. 

OLD BUSINESS: L Hastings presented the Financial Report for the 199er September Tournament. Attendance was down a bit. Net $595.18. 

NEW BUSINESS:  ACBL has distributed $6000 for charitable donation to Unit 143.  Following discussion of worthy charities, it was moved and seconded that we select the St Louis Food Bank.  Motion carried.  J Luner will verify the 501c (3) status of the charity organization required by the ACBL.  The Board agreed that the monies should not be split into more than 3 checks based on the membership served. 

Nominations for goodwill or charity lifetime appointments are due Oct 15.  It was moved and seconded that we nominate Chuck Starovasnik and Barbara Reid.  Motion carried.  If they cannot be honored together owing to ACBL restrictions, Chuck will be nominated first. M Carmen and M Dolan will do the write-up for ACBL.  D Romero has received input from recent winners of the Ed Schultz Unit Championship Award (Player of the Year) suggesting changes to the criteria.  Their suggestions were discussed and some changes agreed upon. D Romero will draft new POLY proposal for final vote at November meeting.

Unit Game Committee Update:  As of today, there have been 288 tables over 15 events.  Two sanctions have not been used.  Replacement dates will be offered. Next Unit Game(s) will be October 14.

Publicity:  D Romero is holding up on January flyer until after the Sectional.

Partnerships:  No report

Website: No report

Memberships:  9 new members, 4 transfers

Announcements:  Next meeting is November 13, 2013 at 7:00 pm

Adjournment:  It was moved and seconded that the meeting be adjourned.  Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Seibert, Secretary

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